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30 Nov 2023 · 15 minute read · By Alice Kim

Six Damaging Myths About Becoming a Pro League of Legends Player Debunked

Table of Contents

Myth 1: Becoming a Pro Gamer is a Walk in the Park

Some people believe that becoming a pro gamer is as easy as pie. You know, just playing games all day and voila! You're a professional player. But let's clear this up: this couldn't be further from the truth.

Earning the title of 'pro gamer', especially in a game as complex and competitive as League of Legends, requires immense dedication, hours of training, and a significant amount of skill.

Just like any professional athlete, pro gamers spend hours upon hours practicing and honing their skills. They study strategies, learn from their mistakes, and constantly work to improve their gameplay. This goes way beyond just playing a game for fun; it's a commitment to being the best you can be.

Moreover, the journey to becoming a pro gamer isn't always smooth sailing. There are countless obstacles along the way, from dealing with high-pressure situations to facing intense competition from other skilled players. The stakes are high and the pressure is real.

To sum it up, becoming a pro gamer in League of Legends is not a walk in the park. It's more akin to climbing a mountain: challenging, demanding, and requiring a ton of persistence and determination. But for those who have the passion and resilience to persevere, the view from the top can be truly rewarding.

So, next time you hear someone say that becoming a pro gamer is easy, remind them of the dedication, training, and skill it truly requires.

Myth 2: Gaming Skills are all You Need

Alright, let's move onto the next myth: Gaming Skills are all You Need. We often hear this one and, quite frankly, it's a dangerous misconception.

Most people believe that being good at the game is all it takes to turn professional. They think that if they master the mechanics and can execute the most complex plays, they'll easily slide into a pro team. Well, let me tell you, this is not the case.

While being skillful is a crucial requirement, it's far from being the only one. A pro gamer's skills go beyond just in-game abilities.

Teamwork is an essential element in professional gaming, especially in League of Legends. Your ability to work well with your team can be a game-changer. No matter how skilled you are individually, you won't get far if you can't cooperate with your teammates.

And then there's strategy. The game isn't just about who has faster fingers or who can land the perfect skillshot. It's about outsmarting your opponents and making the right decisions at the right time. If you can't strategize and adapt on the fly, your gaming skills won't matter much in the grand scheme of things.

Finally, let's not forget communication. In a professional setting, efficient and clear communication is key to coordinating strategies and plays with your team. You might have the perfect plan in your mind, but if you can't communicate it properly, it's as good as useless.

So, next time you hear someone say that gaming skills are all you need to go pro, remember there's much more to it. Yes, your in-game abilities are important, but don't neglect the importance of teamwork, strategy, and communication. They might just be the missing pieces to your pro gaming puzzle.

Myth 3: The Free-Spirited Lifestyle of Pro Gamers

Believe me, I've heard it all: "Pro gamers are just kids who are paid to play games all day. They must have all the freedom in the world. They probably wake up whenever they want, play a few games, and call it a day." Well, folks, it's time to debunk this myth.

Contrary to the laid-back lifestyle you might imagine, becoming a pro gamer is more like being an athlete than anything else. It requires immense discipline, a strict routine, and yes - regular practice.

Just like any other sport, the world of esports, especially games like League of Legends, demands an incredibly high level of skill, which can only be achieved through consistent practice and dedication. Every match, every move counts and can determine the difference between winning or losing. There's no room for slack.

Top-tier players often follow a rigorous routine that leaves little room for anything else. Their daily regimen typically includes hours of practice matches, reviewing gameplay footage, strategizing with their team, keeping up with game updates, and yes, they do take breaks – but it's hardly the 'free-spirited' life many imagine.

Consistency is key in the world of professional gaming. Regular practice sessions help refine strategies and perfect game mechanics, while a disciplined lifestyle keeps them focused and ready to face any challenges.

So if you think becoming a pro gamer is all about lazing around and playing a few games here and there, think again! It takes much more than that to compete in the big leagues.

Myth 4: Life of a Pro Gamer - All Play and No Work

Many people believe that being a professional gamer is all about endless gaming sessions and no real work. But let me assure you, it's far from the truth. Being a pro gamer, especially in a game as competitive as League of Legends, involves a lot more than just "playing games all day".

Sure, gaming is a significant part of their work, but pro gamers also have to manage a whole host of responsibilities and tasks that aren't directly related to gaming. They need to spend hours analyzing their gameplay, studying their opponents, and devising new strategies.

Pro gamers are essentially athletes in the eSports world. Like traditional athletes, they must maintain a healthy diet, have regular physical exercise to keep their reflexes sharp, and get enough sleep to function optimally. They have to manage their time effectively between their training schedule, public relations commitments, and personal life.

Many pro gamers also involve themselves in content creation to engage with their fans and build their personal brand. This includes streaming their gameplay on platforms like Twitch, creating YouTube videos, posting on social media, and even participating in fan meet-and-greets.

So, you see, life as a pro gamer isn't simply "all play and no work". It's a career that requires discipline, commitment, and a whole lot of hard work. So next time you think of a pro gamer's life as being all fun and games, remember that there's much more going on behind the scenes than just gaming.

Myth 5: Pro Gamers - The Millionaire Next Door

This is one of the most prevalent myths out there - that simply by stepping into the realm of professional gaming, we're signing up for a life of luxury and million-dollar paychecks. But here's the reality check - earning millions is not guaranteed as a pro gamer.

Many believe that becoming a professional gamer is like hitting a jackpot, but the truth is, only a small fraction of players achieve that level of success. Not all players end up on the millionaire list. The average earnings can vary wildly, and many gamers find themselves facing significant financial insecurity.

Let's consider some numbers. According to a report from SuperData Research, the median income for a professional esports player is around $60,000 per year. But that number can fluctuate based on factors such as the popularity of the game, the success of the team, and the individual player's skill level.

What's more, the esports industry is notoriously volatile. Games can fall out of favor, teams can disband, and players can get dropped. This financial instability is a significant consideration for anyone thinking about pursuing this career path.

In essence, while it's certainly possible to make good money as a professional gamer (and some do hit the millionaire mark), it's by no means a sure thing. It requires talent, hard work, and more than a little bit of luck. So, if you're considering this path purely for the potential earnings, it may be time to rethink your strategy.

Remember, the love for the game should be your driving force. After all, you'll need that passion to keep you going through all the ups and downs this industry can throw at you.

Myth 6: Physical Health is Irrelevant in Esports

You might be surprised to hear this, but physical health is far from irrelevant in esports. I know what you're thinking - "I'm sitting at a desk all day playing games, why would I need to be physically fit?" Well, let's break down this myth.

The common misconception is that as long as your fingers are nimble enough to mash buttons at lightning speed, you're good to go. This couldn't be further from the truth. A study conducted by the German Sports University found that esports athletes can experience physical strains similar to those of "normal" athletes. This includes increased heart rates, high levels of hand-eye coordination, and a need for endurance.

Being physically fit can drastically improve your gaming performance. For example, better cardiovascular health leads to improved concentration and reaction time. Moreover, regular exercise can prevent injuries related to sitting for long periods, like back problems and carpal tunnel syndrome.

But it's not just about physical health - mental health plays a crucial role too. The pressure of competition, long hours of practice, and the high stakes of professional play can take a toll on a player's mental wellbeing. Many pro players have spoken openly about dealing with anxiety, depression, and burnout.

To maintain peak performance, it's essential for pro gamers to have a balanced lifestyle. This includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and time for relaxation and social activities. Mental health support, such as therapy and mindfulness practices, is also incredibly valuable.

In conclusion, dismissing physical and mental health in the world of esports is a grave mistake. Just like any other professional athletes, pro gamers need to take care of their bodies and minds to stay at the top of their game. So next time someone tells you physical health is irrelevant in esports, you know better!

The Reality of Being a Pro Gamer in League of Legends

Let's dive into the actual reality of being a professional League of Legends player, beyond the myths and misconceptions we've debunked so far.

Case studies of successful pro players, such as Faker and Caps, reveal an incredible amount of dedication, hard work, and continuous improvement that debunk the myths we've discussed. These players didn't magically arrive at the top; they battled their way through intense competition and countless hours of practice.

Speaking of competition, let me tell you, the professional League of Legends scene is fiercely competitive. With millions of players worldwide, only a handful make it to the big leagues. It's not a casual walk in the park; it's a warzone where only the most skilled, strategic, and dedicated survive.

Now, let's address a critical yet often overlooked aspect: burnout and stress. The pressure to consistently perform at peak levels can be immense, leading to high stress levels and, in some cases, burnout. It's crucial to manage your mental health and well-being just as much as your in-game skills.

While we're on the topic of attitude, let's not forget the importance of good sportsmanship and respect within the gaming community. Being a pro player isn't just about winning games; it's about carrying yourself with dignity, respecting your opponents, and setting a positive example for the community.

Lastly, we can't overlook the role and importance of coaches and analysts in esports. They play a vital part in strategizing game plays, analyzing opponent tactics, and providing essential guidance to players. In essence, they're the backbone of any successful esports team.

In a nutshell, being a professional League of Legends player is no child's play. It requires a blend of skill, strategy, teamwork, respect for others, and mental resilience. Not to mention the integral support from coaches and analysts. So, if you're aspiring to go pro, brace yourself for an intense yet rewarding journey!

The Challenges and Rewards of a Career in Esports

The world of esports, particularly as a professional League of Legends player, is undoubtedly thrilling and rewarding. But it's not all glory and victory. Like any career, it presents its own set of challenges and rewards.

Adaptability is key to surviving in the pro gaming world. No, I'm not just talking about quick reflexes or game strategies. The games, meta, and even the esports scene itself evolve rapidly. Today's strategies might be obsolete tomorrow. Continuous learning and adaptation is not an option, it's a necessity to stay ahead of the game.

Another common misconception is that esports is a young man's game. Wrong! Age is not a limiting factor in becoming a pro gamer. Sure, younger players might have faster reflexes, but strategy and experience often triumph over raw speed. So, if you're worrying about being 'too old' to go pro, stop right there!

However, one thing that's worth noting is the somewhat short career span and lack of job security in esports. Unlike traditional professions where you can work until retirement, the prime of esports players is usually much shorter due to the mental and physical demands of the industry. The burnout rate is high and contracts are often short term, making long-term job security a valid concern for many.

But don't let this deter you. Every industry has its downsides. The world of esports is unpredictable and fast-changing, but that's also what makes it so exciting. One day you're a rookie, the next day you could be the world champion.

Remember, every challenge brings opportunities and rewards for those who are willing to face them head on. And if you're passionate about League of Legends and dedicated enough to improve, then a rewarding career in esports might be waiting for you.

The Support System for Aspiring Pro Gamers

In the journey to becoming a pro gamer, there's a crucial element that often goes unnoticed: the support system. Believe me when I say, the road to esports stardom isn't a lone venture.

The Pillar of Family Support

At the top of the support hierarchy, you'll find family. Family support is invaluable in pursuing a career in esports. They provide the emotional backing needed to navigate through tough times, celebrate victories, and learn from losses. But, it's not always easy for families to understand this unconventional career path. The key lies in open communication and education about the esports industry.

Esports: Not All Glamour and Fame

Often, people are attracted to the esports scene due to perceived notions of glamour and fame. And while there's no denying that these elements exist, they are far from being the whole picture. The reality of being a pro gamer is often grueling hours of practice, intense competition, and the constant pressure to perform. It's important to dispel these misconceptions and understand that becoming a pro gamer requires dedication and hard work, not just luck or natural talent.

The Importance of a Backup Plan

Finally, let's not forget the importance of having a backup plan. Esports, like any other competitive field, can be unpredictable. The career span is often short and financial stability may be uncertain. That's why it's absolutely essential to consider education or a secondary skill alongside your gaming career. This doesn't mean you're planning for failure; instead, it means you're smart enough to prepare for all possible outcomes.

In conclusion, having a strong support system, clear understanding of the industry realities, and a backup plan are integral in your quest to become a pro gamer. They say "it takes a village to raise a child," similarly "it takes an army of support to raise a pro gamer".

Dealing with the Pressure: Advice for Aspiring Pros

The journey to becoming a pro League of Legends player is riddled with challenges and pressures. It can often feel like you're walking on a tightrope, but here are some pieces of advice that might help you navigate your way.

Handling Criticism and Pressure: As an aspiring pro gamer, you'll face a fair share of criticism and pressure. From harsh comments about your gameplay to expectations from fans, the pressure can be overwhelming. But remember, it's crucial to take criticism constructively. Use it as a stepping stone to improve your gameplay. And the pressure? Think of it as a test of your perseverance. Everyone has their breaking point, but as a pro gamer, learning to manage pressure is part of the job description.

Passion and Love for the Game: Above all, it's the passion and love for the game that will take you places. Skill can be developed over time, but if the fire within you is missing, it's going to be a tough road ahead. Loving what you do will make the struggles worth it. Every defeat will be a lesson learned, and every victory will be sweetened by the hard work put into it.

Advice for Aspiring Pros: For those of you dreaming of a career in professional League of Legends, here are some nuggets of wisdom:

  • Keep learning: The game is constantly evolving, and so should you. Stay updated on meta changes and always look for ways to better your gameplay.
  • Practice makes perfect: There's no shortcut to success. Put in the hours, hone your skills, and eventually, you'll see results.
  • Teamwork matters: Remember, LoL is a team game. Working effectively with your teammates is as crucial as your individual skills.
  • Stay healthy: Both physical and mental health are crucial. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will keep you in peak condition, while taking breaks and looking after your mental health will help keep burnout at bay.

The road to becoming a pro gamer in League of Legends is indeed a challenging one, but it's not impossible. Keep these tips in mind, work hard, and never forget why you started this journey in the first place. Happy gaming!

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